SLC Environmental | Ontario Asbestos & Mould Abatement Specialists

Understanding Mold and Mildew: Key Differences and How to Tackle Them

Understanding Mold and Mildew: Key Differences and How to Tackle Them

Have you ever noticed fuzzy patches on your bathroom walls or spotted white growth on your basement floor? These could be mold or mildew, two types of

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Safeguarding Your Health: A Guide to the Asbestos Abatement Process

Safeguarding Your Health: A Guide to the Asbestos Abatement Process

Asbestos was once a popular building material prized for its strength and heat resistance. Today, we know it’s a dangerous health hazard. Inhaling asbestos fibers can lead to serious

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The Invisible Threat: How Long Does Asbestos Stay Airborne?

The Invisible Threat: How Long Does Asbestos Stay Airborne?

Asbestos is a serious health hazard responsible for thousands of deaths in Canada each year. These microscopic fibers silently wreak havoc on the respiratory system, leaving many wonderings: “Is there

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When Trauma Strikes: How Professional Cleanup Services Offer Support and Restore Peace

When Trauma Strikes: How Professional Cleanup Services Offer Support and Restore Peace

The Aftermath of Loss: A Difficult Journey
Losing a loved one is a deeply personal and emotional experience. When a death occurs at home, the physical and emotional aftermath can

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Conquering Musty Odours: A Guide to Restoring Freshness After Water Damage

Conquering Musty Odours: A Guide to Restoring Freshness After Water Damage

Water damage can leave a lingering musty odour in its wake, even after repairs seem complete. This unpleasant smell often indicates the presence of mold, a health hazard

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The Risks of DIY Lead Testing: Why Professional Inspection is the Best Choice

The Risks of DIY Lead Testing: Why Professional Inspection is the Best Choice

The charm and environmental benefits of older buildings are undeniable. However, these structures may harbor lead paint, banned in Canada since 1976. Lead exposure, even from chipping or

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