SLC Environmental | Ontario Asbestos & Mould Abatement Specialists

Safeguarding Your Health: A Guide to the Asbestos Abatement Process

Safeguarding Your Health: A Guide to the Asbestos Abatement Process

Asbestos was once a popular building material prized for its strength and heat resistance. Today, we know it’s a dangerous health hazard. Inhaling asbestos fibers can lead to serious

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The Invisible Threat: How Long Does Asbestos Stay Airborne?

The Invisible Threat: How Long Does Asbestos Stay Airborne?

Asbestos is a serious health hazard responsible for thousands of deaths in Canada each year. These microscopic fibers silently wreak havoc on the respiratory system, leaving many wonderings: “Is there

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Understanding Asbestos in Real Estate: Essential Information for Property Professionals

Understanding Asbestos in Real Estate: Essential Information for Property Professionals

Welcome to SLC Environmental Inc.’s comprehensive guide on asbestos awareness for real estate professionals. Asbestos, a once widely used building material, presents significant health risks if

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Understanding the Ban on Asbestos in Canada: Prioritizing Public Health

Understanding the Ban on Asbestos in Canada: Prioritizing Public Health

Once celebrated for its fire-resistant qualities and versatility in construction, asbestos has undergone a stark transformation in reputation due to its recognized health hazards. The comprehensive

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Uncovering Asbestos: Identifying Common Areas in Commercial Buildings

Uncovering Asbestos: Identifying Common Areas in Commercial Building

Asbestos, once prized for its fire resistance and durability, is now recognized as a significant health risk. Commercial buildings are rife with asbestos-containing materials, necessitating the

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